The Best Cigar Cutters for the On-The-Go Cigar Aficionado

The Best Cigar Cutters for the On-The-Go Cigar Aficionado

Best Cigar Cutters for the On-The-Go Cigar Aficionado

As a cigar aficionado, your cutter is as essential as the cigar itself. It's the accessory that ensures a clean, smooth cut every time, enhancing the smoking experience, wherever you are. Xikar, known for its innovative, high-quality accessories, presents the best options for on-the-go cigar lovers.

Double Guillotine Cigar Cutters

Double guillotine cutters are arguably the most popular type of cutters among cigar enthusiasts. They provide a quick, efficient cut on both sides of the cigar, producing a clean, straight cut. This style is perfect for most sizes and shapes of cigars.

The XIKAR® XI1 Double Guillotine Cigar Cutter, with its spring-loaded, stainless steel double blades, can handle cigars with up to 60-ring gauge. The teardrop design offers a strong and comfortable grip, making this cutter both effective and easy to use.

Xikar's Top Cigar Cutters

Xikar offers a range of top-quality cigar cutters, each one a product of precise craftsmanship. One such cutter is the XIKAR® XI3 Phantom, a high-end cutter offering a perfect blend of style, function, and durability. It's made with top-quality 440C stainless steel blades, ensuring a sharp, clean cut every time. It can effortlessly handle cigars of up to 60 ring gauge.

Another top-notch cutter from Xikar is the XIKAR® XO Redwood, which combines an elegant aesthetic with innovative design. Its aluminum body and stainless steel blades can handle cigars up to a 70-ring gauge. The round design allows for a comfortable grip, and the gear-driven blades offer a precise cut every time.

Straight Cigar Cutters

A straight cigar cutter provides a straight cut, which can be particularly advantageous for wider cigars. Xikar's Revolution Xi 360, for example, offers a classic double guillotine cut, is equipped with a spring-assisted opening that allows for synchronous blade movement, which not only provides a precise cut but also an effortless user experience. Designed with extra sharp blades, the Revolution Cigar Cutter ensures a clean, straight cut that results in the perfect draw every time. Plus, with the ability to cut up to 70-ring gauge cigars, this cutter offers versatility for various cigar sizes.

Xikar Cigar Punch

For those who prefer a punch cut, Xikar offers the XIKAR® 9mm Pull Out Punch. This cigar punch comes with a round blade that removes a plug from the cap of the cigar instead of cutting it off entirely. It's an excellent option for smokers who prefer a smaller draw.

How to use a cigar punch?

Using a cigar punch like the XIKAR® 9mm Pull Out Punch is simple:

  1. Hold the cigar punch in one hand and the cigar in the other.
  2. Place the punch on the cap of the cigar, ensuring that it's centered.
  3. Slowly twist the punch into the cap, applying gentle pressure.
  4. Twist the punch back out, and the cap will come out with it.

Whether you're a fan of the straight cut from a guillotine or prefer the smaller draw from a punch, Xikar has an option for you for the Best Cigar Cutters for the On-The-Go Cigar Aficionado. Remember, the right cutter can enhance your cigar smoking experience, no matter where you are.

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