Cigar Humidor

XIKAR's Travel Cigar Humidors are designed to combine style, durability, and portability, ensuring that your cigars stay in optimal condition no matter where you go.

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60 Cigar Travel Humidor

XIKAR® Cigar Travel Humidor (60 cigar capacity)

60 Cigar Travel Humidor Case 60 cigar capacity (actual fit may vary depending on cigar sizes, between 40 to 60 cigars) Airtight... watertight... crush-proof Super-strong ABS molded plastic construction Stainless...
40 Cigar Travel Humidor

XIKAR® Cigar Travel Case (40 cigar capacity)

40 Cigar Travel Humidor by XIKAR® (40 cigar capacity) Cigars stored in your travel humidor should already be stabilized to the perfect humidity if they came from your personal humidor...
20 Cigar Travel Humidor

XIKAR® Cigar Travel Case (20 cigar capacity)

20 Cigar Travel Humidor by XIKAR® (20 cigar capacity)  Cigars stored in your travel humidor should already be stabilized to the perfect humidity if they came from your personal humidor...
10 Cigar Travel Humidor Red

XIKAR® Cigar Travel Case (10 cigar capacity)

10 Cigar Travel Humidor Red 10 cigar capacity (actual fit may vary depending on cigar sizes) airtight... watertight... crushproof super-strong ABS molded plastic construction stainless steel hinge and latch hinges...
XIKAR Cigar Travel Case

XIKAR 5 Cigar Travel Case - Black

The XIKAR Cigar Travel Case (5 cigar capacity) is the ultimate companion for cigar enthusiasts on the go. Crafted with precision and durability in mind, this travel case ensures that...

XIKAR's Travel Cigar Humidors are designed to combine style, durability, and portability, ensuring that your cigars stay in optimal condition no matter where you go.

A cigar humidor is an essential accessory for any cigar aficionado. Designed to provide the optimal environment for storing and aging cigars, a humidor maintains the ideal temperature and humidity levels, ensuring the cigars retain their flavor, aroma, and quality over time. Our premium cigar humidors are crafted with precision and attention to detail, offering a secure and elegant storage solution for your prized cigar collection. Explore our range of cigar humidors and elevate your smoking experience to new heights.

Starting with our compact 5 cigar travel case, it's the perfect companion for the on-the-go cigar enthusiast. Despite its small size, it's built to resist water and protect your cigars from physical damage with its strong, crushproof design. The interior features a custom urethane foam to cradle your cigars and a built-in humidifier for freshness.

For those seeking more storage, we have larger travel humidors that can hold up to 60 cigars. These travel humidors share the same robust construction and innovative features as their smaller counterpart, but they offer significantly more space for your cigar collection.

The construction of these humidors includes a special airtight seal which ensures that the internal humidity is maintained, crucial for preserving the quality of your cigars during your travels. The locking clasps and molded lock ring for added security ensure your cigars stay safe and secure.

Regardless of the size you choose, each XIKAR Travel Cigar Humidor is designed with the same commitment to quality and performance, providing you with the perfect storage solution for your cigars while you're on the move. Whether you're going on a short trip or a long journey, XIKAR has got your cigar storage needs covered.